Where is Le Platiniumm Val Cenis located ?
Where is the pool located in the residence/hotel ?
Is the cleaning included is my booking ?
I'd like to have an appartment facing... with view of...to whom should I address this request?
Is parking compulsory?
Are towels and sheets provided ?
Is there a TV in the apartments ?
What time is check-in and check-out?
To whom do I have to give a deposit and of what amount?
Is there a holiday menu in the restaurant offering half board ?
Do you lend cots and high chairs ?
What is the difference between VCH and VCV ?
What time is the check-in ?
Can I arrive in my apartment before 5 PM ?
Which way does the balcony face ?
Are there cots and high chairs in the apartements?
Can we have access to the spa without being a client at the hotel/residence ?
Are pets allowed in the residence ?
Can we bring our pets ?
Is the access to the spa free?
Where should I go when I arrive ?