How do I proceed if I want to indicate a specific request for my booking ?
How to poceed to modify something on my reservation ?
What are the references to give when I contact Les Balcons ?
What do I do if I have forgotten my booking documents ?
Can I cancel my booking ?
Why some apartments become unavailable when I select them? while, they appear available on those dates !
If my changes lower the price, will I receive a refund ?
How can I book ski lessons at the same time as my accomodation ?
From when would it be possible to book for winter 2023 ?
Can I make some changes to my booking ?
What are my arrival and departure days ?
How quickly will you process my order ?
How can I know if my booking is confirmed ?
Up to when can I book a stay ?
How do I book a parking space ?
What should I do if I can't print our booking documents ?
How can I get back my deposit ?
What if I loose my booking number ?
When and how will I receive my booking documents ?
Can I book an apartment now and my ski equipment later ?
How to delete my client account ?